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The CharMir Approach

The CharMir Approach is built around a shared commitment between the pet parent, their cat behavior specialist and the mutual dedication to the kitty patient.

Cat Feeding


Exchange information about the kitty’s undesirable behavior


Habit Identification:
Identify and assess the kitty’s issue


Action Plan:
Create and customize a plan of action


Teach the guardian and the kitty the new desirable behavior


Process of implementing the Action Plan


Achieving change(s) in the behavior


Behavioral issue has been resolved

Why Use A Cat Behaviorist?


First and foremost, we encourage all pet guardians to seek veterinarian counsel to rule out an underlying medical issue. Having said that, when a medical issue is ruled out, and the negative behavior continues, that is when it is time to hire a cat behavior specialist. There are also circumstances where your veterinarian may not be able to diagnose and treat a behavioral problem. In these cases, we are happy to work alongside your vet in addressing behavioral issues and creating a treatment plan. 


We believe that in some cases medication is necessary. However, in certain situations we find that medication is not always the solution.

  • The behavioral issue has become a habit

  • You need help and guidance on how to address the behavioral issue

  • You have tried everything that was suggested online and it is not working

  • The behavioral issue is affecting other pets or members of the household

  • The veterinarian prescribed medication as a temporary solution and it has not resolved the issue

  • The cost of ongoing medication is excessive

  • The kitty’s issue is exacerbated because of multiple trips to the vet 

  • The kitty’s personality changes due to being medicated 

  • Administering medication is not possible 

Use A Kitty Behaviorist when:

Cats at Home

Ready To Start?

Our team of professionals will help you understand your cat's needs and improve your relationship with them. Schedule your consultation today!

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